Många översatta exempelmeningar innehåller "contributory pension" In other countries it just means a social welfare payment of some kind. a contributory retirement pension such as that governed by the Spanish Social Security system
2007-05-20 · Pension has two meanings depending how you use it:this way it was used for the meaning of Lodging. It could be hotel , hostel, or hotel. the other usage is for retirement, or social security check
n. 1. One who receives a pension. 2. One who is dependent on the bounty of another.
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PENSION meaning, definition & explanation.A pension is a fund into which a s How to say pension in Spanish? What's the Spanish translation of pension? See comprehensive translation options on Definitions.net! pension meaning, definition, what is pension: an amount of money paid regularly by the: Learn more.
Pension1 <-, -en> [pa͂ˈzjo:n, pɛnˈzjo:n] SUBST f. 1. Pension (Rente): Pension · jubilación
Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word pension. Information about pension in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Define pension.
All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both hvala Slovak: ďakujem veľmi Spanish: muchas gracias Swedish: tusen tack detta betänkande eligible co-workers get an extra contribution to their pension.
As Mr Kuckelkorn said, a pension is a pension. Los regímenes de pensión complementaria no deben sustituir, sin embargo, a los públicos.
A payment, not wages, made regularly to a person (or to his or her family) who has fulfilled certain conditions of servi
Pension definition, a fixed amount, other than wages, paid at regular intervals to a person or to the person's surviving dependents in consideration of past services, age, merit, poverty, injury or loss sustained, etc.: a retirement pension. See more. Spanish pay-as-you-go, de ned-bene t public pension system, which was in force before the 2011 and 2013 Reforms, was unsustainable.
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Translate Media pension. See 2 authoritative translations of Media pension in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Translate pension into Spanish. Find words for pension in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary.
Señor Gorostiaga, me parece el colmo del cinismo, y me resulta absolutamente repugnante, oírle otra vez justificar los crímenes, en este caso de un jubilado y de una niña española. Contracting out The ability to opt out of the Second State Pension (SP2) (formerly SERPS, and more formerly the graduated state pension scheme) and instead make additional contributions to a personal or occupational pension arrangement; it is normally the employer’s decision whether or not to contract-out so that members lose rights to the state second pension and build equivalent rights in
Pension (Spanish to English translation). Translate Pension to Spanish online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.
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Where the person receiving a pension or pensions under the legislation of one or more Member States resides in a Member State under whose legislation the right
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pension (also: retirement, retirement pension, superannuation)
Adequacy of retirement income for Spanish retirees should be increased. 1. Introduction. Public pension schemes in May 18, 2018 How to find out about transferring your Spanish pension to Ireland Provision ( IORP), within the meaning of the EU Pensions Directive, and May 22, 2016 Characteristics of the Spanish old-age pension system Public pensions are Non-contributory pensions are means-tested (as of 2016, annual Nov 15, 2010 The Spanish public pension system, of obligatory character, is based on as life expectancy is shorter when income is lower, meaning that the Definition & Synonyms.