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Plus Members also get a host of benefits and services that make maintaining health a little easier. Agents are no longer required to update their accounts on the CMP. Please log into Humana MarketPoint University via to access AHIP directly from a Member Login; Welcome to the HumanaOne Dental & Vision Member Login Page. This member site is an excellent place to keep track of your dental and vision coverage. Los planes médicos grupales de Humana son ofrecidos por Humana Medical Plan, Inc., Humana Employers Health Plan of Georgia, Inc., Humana Health Plan, Inc., Humana Health Benefit Plan of Louisiana, Inc., Humana Health Plan of Ohio, Inc., Humana Health Plans of Puerto Rico, Inc. Licencia N.° 00235-0008, Humana Wisconsin Health Organization Insurance Corporation, o Humana Health Plan of Texas Humana Insurance of Puerto Rico, Inc. y Humana Health Plans of Puerto Rico, Inc. cumplen con todas las leyes aplicables de derechos civiles federales y no discriminan por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, sexo, orientación sexual, género, identidad de género, ascendencia, estado civil o religión.