Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +352 277 59094 Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 20 3249 2460 About Millicom. Millicom is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa.
Jun 14, 2019 Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1 786 628 5300 press@, Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations
Michel Morin -- Vice President of Shareholders and Investors. Our purpose is to build digital highways that connect For more information please contact: Michel Morin. VP Investor Relations. Jan 9, 2019 PRNewswire/ -- Millicom International Cellular SA, a leading provider of cable and mobile Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Feb 11, 2021 The rebound at Millicom coming out of the worst of the pandemic continued during the fourth quarter, with customer Luxembourg, December 22, 2020 – Millicom International Cellular SA (NASDAQ: TIGO) announced today the Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations. Jun 14, 2019 Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1 786 628 5300 press@, Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations Sep 17, 2019 Kinnevik has further resolved to amend its shareholder remuneration Kinnevik's Millicom investment has yielded significant dividends and returns to Kinnevik and its shareholders. Torun Litzén, Director Investo Apr 19, 2011 The Company will provide investors with timely updates, including quarterly reporting and earnings calls, and it will host regular investor relations Mar 20, 2017 Global telecom and media company, Millicom International Cellular S.A., has appointed Michel Morin as investor relations VP, effective today.
As previously disclosed, Millicom plans to list its common shares on Millicom was established on December 14, 1990 by Shelby Bryan, Jan Stenbeck, Telma Sosa, and Olvin Galdamez, combining the cellular telephone properties owned by Industriförvaltnings AB Kinnevik and Millicom Incorporated. Millicom is headquartered in Luxembourg with a United States corporate office in Miami.Through the Tigo and Tigo BusinessTM brands, Millicom provides digital services 2020-02-27 2020-02-28 2020-03-10 Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +352 277 59094 Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 20 3249 2460 About Millicom. Millicom is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa.
Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa.
Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. Millicom är verksamma inom telekommunikation. Bolaget arbetar som mobiloperatör med särskild inriktning mot tillväxtmarknader. Tjänsterna som erbjuds inkluderar huvdusakligen tjänster inom mobil, tv och bredband, samt tillhörande tilläggstjänster.
Ja att Tigo har mer att ge de kommande åren är självklart. Jag äger Millicom då 2 utdelningar om året ger mig mer likvider att köpa fler Millicom för. Det är i mina
2021-04-07 · Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 ( Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Senior Manager +1-786-628-5303 investors Millicom är verksamma inom telekommunikation. Bolaget arbetar som mobiloperatör med särskild inriktning mot tillväxtmarknader. Tjänsterna som erbjuds inkluderar huvdusakligen tjänster inom mobil, tv och bredband, samt tillhörande tilläggstjänster. Millicom International Cellular SDB visar en stark This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628-5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 2020-10-19 · Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628-5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Millicom appoints Michel Morin as VP Investor Relations Mon, Mar 20, 2017 08:00 CET. Luxembourg 20 March, 2017 – Millicom International Cellular S.A. ("Millicom") announced today it has appointed Michel Morin as VP Investor Relations starting March 20, 2017, reporting to Millicom’s CFO, Tim Pennington.
market hold up as an investment alternative in relation to the risk and return of the Millicom. De har även innehav i det onoterade skogbolaget Korsnäs som anses
Just nu skulle det investmentbolag Bure investmentbolag Svolder. Avanza ex Investmentbolag och Millicom.
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2021-04-07 · Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628- 5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786 628 5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. 2021-03-12 · Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1 786-628-5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786-628-5270 Senaste nyheter om - Millicom, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter.
Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 20 3249 2460 About Millicom. Millicom (Nasdaq: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. 2019-05-02 · -END- For further information, please contact Investors: Press: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations Vivian Kobeh, Corporate +1 (786) 628-5270 Communications Director +1 (786
Repurchase of shares in Millicom Luxembourg, March 31, 2020 - During the period March 23, 2020 – March 27, 2020, Millicom repurchased a total of 10,358 of its Swedish Depository Receipts (SDRs), hereinafter referred to as shares within the framework of the repurchase program announced on February 27, 2020, details of which are shown in the table below.
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Intresserad av ämnet Millicom? Här hittar du samtliga artiklar, kommentarer och analyser om Millicom från Dagens industris redaktion. Bevaka ämnet för att hålla dig uppdaterad om Millicom.
Observera att investering i aktier alltid innebär en risk. 2021-04-08 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Sr. Manager Tel: +1-786-628-5303 2020-03-03 2021-04-07 2021-04-08 2021-04-07
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Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1 786 628 5300, Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations
-END- For further information, please contact: Press:Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628- 5300 Investors:Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628 2020-10-19 2019-05-02 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786 628 5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, Nasdaq Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is a leading provider of cable and mobile services dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. 2019-11-07 Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Millicom International Cellular SA. Andelen 1 % anger hur många av General Electric Co-ägarna som även har Millicom International Cellular SA i sin portfölj.