Delphi for .NET has, of course, one huge advantage over C#. If you have a Win32 application that you want to bring over to .NET without completely rewriting it then your best bet is to use Delphi for .NET.


C# was created from Delphi because Delphi is better. Just compare the latest version of Embarcadero Delphi and the latest version of C#. But if you want to work as a Windows programmer, C# …

Jan 26, 2012 Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award for his notable work on Delphi, Turbo Pascal, as well as C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework. He  Re: Delphi to C#. Posted 11 November 2010 - 02:15 PM. Quote. I searched online that TiniFile corresponds to FileStream in C#. Actually, they  Utvecklingen skedde under chefsarkitekten Anders Hejlsberg, som även låg bakom Turbo Pascal och senare Microsofts C#. Delphi hade ursprungligen namnet  Jobbannons: Shaya Solutions AB söker Programmer Delphi, C++, C# or .Net to Stockholm med kunskaper i C#, .NET, C++ (Stockholm) Programmer Delphi , C++ , C# or .Net to Gothenburg. ShayaGöteborg, SE. 3 veckor sedan Bli en av de 30 första att söka jobbet. Tar inte längre emot  Programvaruarkitektur & C#-programmering Projects for $250 - $750.

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The pros and cons of each - irrespective of background - are a bit like this. Both share a great 2-way RAD form designer and framework (VCL) that are ideal for native Windows development. Delphi, definitely: Simplicity - Delphi's syntax is based on Pascal, which was explicitly designed to be easy to learn, and it can deliver on that promise. C#'s is based on the C family, which well was not. Productivity - Delphi is a descendant of Turbo Pascal, and it still has the fastest compiler known to man, which will boost your Smart Beacons and e.t.c.

Description: The Or keyword is used in two different ways: 1. To perform a logical or boolean 'or' of two logical values. If either are true, then the result is true, otherwise it is false.

Så det paradoxala blir att skriva matte i VB och sätta pixel i Delphi. Trots många års inre "Fast C# Mandelbrot.exe" är den snabba versionen This book will help you with Delphi for .NET as well as C#. Apress publishes migration books for both Visual Basic 6 and C++ programmers moving to .NET. (Basic, C++, C#, Delphi, etc.), och sedan återanvända denna kod till- sammans med andra .NET-anpassa- de språk.

Delphi or c#

Språkets utveckling leds av Anders Hejlsberg som rekryterats från Borland där han skapat TurboPascal och varit chefsarkitekt för Delphi. Officiellt är språket 

Delphi or c#

Prime Video Direct Video Distribution Made Easy. In the end, it lost the competition with C#, which  Developer (Entry-Level) – C /C# /C++, .Net and Python · Delphi Software Developer · Remote Delphi Developer position · Software Engineer- Crystal | OOP | C/C++.

Convert a one form application from C# or C++ to Delphi 10.4 FMX Pull the latest version  Microsoftplattform, ASP.NET, C#, Episerver, Share Point, VB, Delphi, SQL server och TFS. Som Systemutvecklare på Trafikverket kommer du att ingå i team, som  This group is for Delphi/C++ Rad Studio programmers who are looking to be C# (.NET). Offentlig grupp.
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Delphi or c#

minimum system: Pentium class CPU USB1.1  av N Ståhl · 2012 — består av flertalet DLL:er skrivna i Delphi och har inte ändrats eller kompilerats liknande C#, fylld med visuella komponenter och fördefinierade funktioner. using tools and languages from the Microsoft technology stack - Supporting C#, # Visual Basic .NET, F# Using Nethereum · See how to easily deploy Ethereum smart contracts using C# and VisualStudio PreviousDelphi. Forked from joewhite/dgrok.

Accepted answer mentions syntax here, well C# syntax is similar to both PHP and Java, so if you want to get up and running quicker from either of those backgrounds, then C# has the edge.
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Språken är VB, C#, Delphi och applikationerna kan utvecklas i endera någon senare version av Microsoft Visual Studio eller Borland verktyg. OPCLabs.

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Om jobbet Vi söker just nu programmerare inom Delphi, C++, C# alternativt .NET för en anställning i ett bolag i Trollhättan. I din roll som programmerarekommer 

It is however possible to pass a struct(c#) from and to the dll. Any Delphi or C# project can be documented with Together.