PIVUS - Prospective Investigation of Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors. The PIVUS study started in 2001 with the primary aim to investigate the predicive power of different measurements of endothelial function and arterial compliance in a random sample of 1000 subjects aged 70 living in the community of Uppsala.
Marcello Maggio, Francesca De Vita, Fulvio Lauretani, Gian Paolo Ceda, Elena Volpi, Francesco Giallauria, Giuseppe De Cicco, Chiara Cattabiani, Håkan Melhus, Karl Michaëlsson, Tommy Cederholm, Lars Lind, Vitamin D and Endothelial Vasodilation in Older Individuals: Data From the PIVUS Study, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 99, Issue 9, 1 September 2014, Pages 3382
Genome-wide association studies were performed in all 3 cohorts for metabolites of interest. Cigarette smoking is an important cause of preventable death globally, but associations between smoking and mortality vary substantially across country and calendar time. Leptin and endothelial function in the elderly: the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) study. Gonzalez M(1), Lind L, Söderberg S. Author information: (1)Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Cardiology and Heart Centre, Umeå University, SE-901 85 Umeå, Sweden. manuel.gonzalez@medicin.umu.se Nurses, paramedics, and physicians are becoming more enthusiastic about peripheral IV access with ultrasound (PIVUS); however, institutional and clinician support has not yet been forthcoming. The learning curve for PIVUS has never been rigorously studied, and may be flatter than previously assumed. OBJECTIVE Phthalates are ubiquitous industrial high-volume chemicals known as ligands to peroxisome proliferator–activated receptors (PPARs).
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28000 subjects living in Malmö were during 1991-1996 invited by letter and through public advertisement to a clinical examination whitch included blood sampling and a questionnaire about nutrition. 62 % of the participants were women.
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Genom att gjort en kostnadskalkyl med utgångspunkt från den så kallade PIVUS-studien där ett stor antal miljögifter har undersökts hos cirka 1000 äldre PIVUS-studien omfattar cirka 1 000 slumpvis utvalda 70-åringar i Uppsala som följts under en längre tid. I den aktuella studien mättes nivåer av PIVUS-studien. aug 2000 –nu. En epidemiologisk studie där vi undersöker (när studien startar) 1000 st 70-åringar. Dessa personer återkallas och undersöks Den så kallade PIVUS-studien omfattar drygt 1 000 stycken slumpvis utvalda 70-åringar i Uppsala som följts under en längre tid. I den aktuella Leptin and endothelial function in the elderly: the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) study.
Anna Kärrman är proprefekt för Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik, och docent i miljökemi vid Människa-Teknik-Miljö (MTM) Forskningscentrum.
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Retail betting client - Kambi These individuals were recruited from the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) cohort. We used a total toxic equivalency (TEQ) value that measures toxicological effects with the relative potencies of various POPs. seg mÉxico: pivus 1/4 para puertas portones abatibles, dobles y sencillos, como colocarlo y como programar central para controles. PIVUS (Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors) Acronym: PIVUS: Description: The PIVUS study started in 2001 with the primary aim to investigate the predicive power of different measurements of endothelial function and arterial compliance in a random sample of 1000 subjects aged 70 living in the community of Uppsala. 2012-07-01 The Regional Ethical Review Board in Uppsala, Sweden, approved the study and all subjects provided written informed consent.
Forskarna har undersökt både "dna-metyleringsprofilen" och halterna av bekämpningsmedlen DDE, TNC och HCB i sparade blodprover från cirka 1 000 kvinnor och män i den så kallade PIVUS-studien
Systolic and diastolic hypertension impair endothelial vasodilatory function in different types of vessels in the elderly: the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) study. Lind, Lars.
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2019-02-25 · Background A targeted proteomics chip has been shown to be useful to discover novel associations of proteins with cardiovascular disease. We investigated how these proteins change with aging, and whether this change is related to a decline in kidney function, or to a change in hemoglobin levels. Material and methods In the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS
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METHODS AND RESULTS: In the population-based PIVUS study (1016 subjects aged 70 years), the invasive forearm technique with acetylcholine given in the brachial artery (EDV), the brachial artery ultrasound technique with measurement of flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), and the pulse wave analysis method with beta-2-agonist (terbutaline) provocation were successfully used in 87%, 97%, and 86% of the sample, respectively.
Distance 694 nm / 1,286 km. Download for FSX, X-Plane, PMDG, Infinite Flight, PDF or other products. PIVUS cohort using the GoldenGate Assay. All SNPs were successfully genotyped with an average call rate of 99.5% and reproducibility of 99.8% based on duplication of 2% of the genotypes. Statistical analysis The statistical analysis was performed using the free statistical software environment ‘‘R’’ [17]. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 2014-09-01 The PIVUS study started in 2001 with the primary aim to investigate the predicive power of different measurements of endothelial function and arterial compliance in a random sample of 1000 subjects aged 70 living in the community of Uppsala. As secondary aims, the study also included measurements of cardiac function and structure by ultrasound and PIVUS - Prospective Investigation of Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors.